亚力山大團隊 我們將用有生的時間揣測關於傢俱設計的一萬種想像
我們是設計與生產能力一流的Excellent team
亚历山大帝 (Alexander,其名字亚历山大,大意為“人類的守護者”)西元前356年 (7月22日-前323年6月10日) 即馬其頓國王亚历山大三世。作為古代馬其頓國王,亚历山大帝國皇帝 ,亚历山大是世界古代史上著名的軍事家和 政治家.他足智多謀,在擔任馬其頓國王的短短13年中 ,以其雄才大略,東征西討 , 先是確立了在全希臘的統治地位,後又納入了波斯帝國.亚历山大創下了前無古人的輝煌業績,促進了東西方文化的交流和經濟的發展,對人類社會的進展產生了重大的影響。 In western history, Alexander the Great was often called "Alexander of Macedon", the defender of mankind. In the year of 336 B.C., Alexander the Great became the King of Macedonia and the Alexander Empire. As a world famous commander and politician, in the mere thirteen years came after, Alexander the Great created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to Egypt and into present day Pakistan. He made unprecedented achievement on the development of the East and West.
品牌Logo的豎條元素排列方式靈感脫胎與注明的馬其頓方陣,馬其頓方陣早期著名的以長矛盾牌為主兵器、攻防兼備的戰術,是在底比斯軍隊陣形的基礎上創立。亚历山大帝使得方陣變成了一種傳奇:他是不可戰勝的。 Brand Logo bar element arrangement inspiration and indicate the Macedonian phalanx, and early famous Macedonian phalanx to give priority to weapons, have both offensive and defensive tactical spear shield, is in Thebes, the army was founded on the basis of the formation. Alexander the great mountains make square has become a legend: he is invincible.
公司近 20 年的沉淀和發展,已成為國內高星級酒店重要的酒店傢俱與軟裝陳設解決方案提供商。專精而不乏豐富,穩健而不失創新,時尚而不失精緻,亚力山大從來都以專業的視角和設計,傳遞酒店傢俱文化的風華流轉,多年來領導著中國後現代、新古典傢俱潮流。其做工精細,材質考究,品質優越,成為眾多室內設計師首選合作夥伴,酒店傢俱工程、別墅及會所傢俱配套工程業績卓著。公司傢俱產品廣泛應用於國內外五星級酒店,已成為多個世界著名酒店管理集團的戰略合作夥伴。設計師團隊致力於宏觀而前瞻的設計視野,憑藉嚴謹的專業技術與美學品位而專注於星級飯店、精品酒店、頂級餐廳、高端會所、別墅豪宅、房產專案等空間的軟裝陳設策劃,是由一群志同道合並在室內設計領域耕耘數年的資深設計師和專業人士組成,用獨具匠心的創意,力求完美的設計,純熟精湛的電腦技術,龐大豐富的資料庫,和精雕細琢的製作工藝,策劃出一批又一批風格迥異,清新儒雅,生機勃勃的空間.我們用精雕細琢的設計對空間進行二次陳設並完善裝飾性陳設及功能性陳設的細節,在注重設計求新和產品品質的同時,我們也有專業的成本控制團隊,方案实时落地和成本控制相結合,完成空間的完整性。 Designer team is committed to the macro and forward-looking design vision. It focuses on the soft outfit furnishing for star hotels, boutique hotels, top restaurants, high-end clubs, luxury villas, real estate projects and offices with the rigorous professional technique and aesthetic taste. It is a group of like-minded senior designers and professionals who cultivatie in interior design for several years. They carve out a list of different, fresh, elegant and lively spaces with innovative ideas, perfection-wanted design, high-tech computer skills, huge database and finely craft. We often use sophisticated design to redisplay and improve the details of decorative furnishing display and functional display. We focus on creative design and high-quality product, at the same time, we also have a professional team to control the cost and ensure the combination of design concept and cost-control to be totally implemented in projects.
公司擁有自主生產基地,位於東莞塘廈,也是國內著名酒店傢俱及工程傢俱配套企業,一流的生產設備和技術團隊,致力於打造中國專業酒店傢俱第一品牌,更好地服務於酒店行業,我們堅持不斷加強公司各方面建設,提高自身素質,做工精細,材質考究,品質優越,我們廣泛吸納業內各方面的專業人才,形成了一支敢於創新的團隊,正是這樣一支富有生產經驗的專業化團隊,針對國內市場,制定出企業的戰略發展方向,使我們能夠為國內的酒店行業提供更優質的服務和有力保障;成為眾多知名設計師的首選合作夥伴,公司配置傢俱的五星級酒店遍佈國內外。 Dongguan Alexmacedon Furniture Co., Ltd., located in Tangxia Town, Dongguan, is a famous domestic company for hotel furniture and engineering furniture. It has the first-class production equipment and professional technical team to build the leading brand of hotel furniture in China and supply better service for hotels. We stick to strengthening our ability and taking in professionals to build an experienced and creative team. The team determines the strategic development direction so that we could offer superior service and support to domestic hotel industry and be the preferred partner of lots of designers. We have made great achievement in hotel furniture, villas and clubhouse furniture and the five-star hotels we served scattered all over the mainland. We have become the strategic partner of many world famous hotel management groups so far. 五星級酒店案例 地产&商业案例&样板房